II CSR – Submission of papers


Program Crash-course Registration | Submission of papers | Contact | Important Dates | Abstracts

Important Dates:

Paper submission: Deadline July, 28

Deadline for notification of acceptance: August, 21

Registration without paper submission: September, 10

   Paper guidelines:

  1. Abstracts should be at most two pages long (A4 paper), including examples and references;
  2. 1 inch/2.5 cm margins on all sides;
  3. Times New Roman 12pt;
  4. Line spacing 1 (simple);
  5. The abstract should have a title but should not identify the author(s);
  6. Submissions are limited to 1 individual per author;
  7. Abstracts can be in English, Portuguese or Spanish.

Click here to send you abstract.
Click here for registration.
